About fontz.ch!


fontz.ch is a project of Brainshock, Switzerland.

Lead Developer, Concept: Dario Nuevo

Font information

Any information about fonts on this site is provided without a guarantee of correctness. So if you find a font that has false information and/or shouldn't be on this site for copyright reasons, please contact us! Every font has a round little blue icon. Click on it, you'll see a form with functionality to inform us about such false information.


This site has been realized completely with open source tools. We like open source. Heck, we love it.

We have some guidelines:

  • Be as surfer friendly as possible
  • No unnecessary advertising
  • Being straight forward (no backdoor pages or anything)
  • No damn popup windows (we all hate them)
  • Quality and quantity matters
  • Organizing rulez

Behind the scenes

Font sites are always community work. All the font site couldn't exist without the great work of those artists that are giving out their fonts for free. Thanks to all those artists that are making this possible!

If you like to know some technical details, check out the technical detail page.

The language thingy

As you surely noticed, english is not my native language. Whatta surprise, isn't it?! ;-) I know my english is by far not perfect, but I hope you understand it. If you got serious understanding problems with sometghing, just drop me a few lines about it.


If you want to say me something, go to the online form or try to reach me via Skype, my username there is "jtremaine" ;-) Accepted talk languages are english, german and spanish ;-)
